From The Secretary / Manager

Sri Manoj Kumar Shah
Secretary / Manager

 Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. 
– Henry Ford

As Oscar Wilde said ‘Success is science, if you have the conditions you get the result’ Ladies, gentleman and children it gives me a great pleasure to welcome you.

I convey my best wishes to all the students and their parents for a successful future and good education. We give the students support and encouragement they need to reach their full potential. I wish to assure that no efforts will be spared to bring Gopi Radha Primary School & Girls Inter College on the world map among the top institutions. I am thankful to all my colleagues who are striving hard to establish Gopi Radha Primary School & Girls Inter College as one of the best institutions. Our vision is to achieve knowledge and excellence in empowerment of students for their all round development through education.

So let me tell you about us, about what we do, what we believe in and what we value and above all we are about the children and young people, their learning, their needs and even their problems. We are about the whole child. We are a school which is child centered, and so all our efforts, our work and our endeavors revolve around the achievement of each student’s potential academically, socially and emotionally. We therefore work very hard to ensure that our school is indeed a safe space and also a happy place for each child. This is important because happy child is a child who learns and succeeds best. Great teachers are the most important ingredient to the success of our school. If we have great teachers in our classrooms, then we do not have to worry as much about the students. The school will focus on promoting high level of learning.