Sri Vivek Sah
 Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.
– Aristotle

Message From The Chairperson

Our goal is to ensure that all students become critical thinkers, problem solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers and prolific writers. We do all this to prepare you for the demands of the world so you may become productive citizens, become our future leaders and contribute positively to this community.

You must pay attention to teachers, listen to your parents, grandparents and other adults and put in hard work to get success. Every single one of you has something you are good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That is the opportunity an education can provide.

You have to face the challenges in your life, refuse to give up, and set a goal for your education. Your goal can be as simple as doing your homework, paying attention in class, or spending time each day reading a book. Maybe you will decide to get involved in co-curricular activities or volunteer in your community. Nobody is inherently skilled; proficiency is attained through diligent effort and dedication.

Education plays a vital role in building the future of a person nation building. In the era of globalization, the working environment has become highly competitive and challenging.

I hold high expectations for both the quality of our classroom teaching by teachers and for our students to become responsible citizens of India.

Message From The Secretary / Manager

As Oscar Wilde said ‘Success is science, if you have the conditions you get the result’ Ladies, gentleman and children it gives me a great pleasure to welcome you.

I convey my best wishes to all the students and their parents for a successful future and good education. We give the students support and encouragement they need to reach their full potential. I wish to assure that no efforts will be spared to bring Gopi Radha Primary School & Girls Inter College on the world map among the top institutions. I am thankful to all my colleagues who are striving hard to establish Gopi Radha Primary School & Girls Inter College as one of the best institutions. Our vision is to achieve knowledge and excellence in empowerment of students for their all round development through education.

We are about the children and young people, their learning, their needs and even their problems. We are about the whole child. We are a school which is child centered, and so all our efforts, our work and our endeavors revolve around the achievement of each student’s potential academically, socially and emotionally. We therefore work very hard to ensure that our school is indeed a safe space and also a happy place for each child. This is important because happy child is a child who learns and succeeds best. Great teachers are the most important ingredient to the success of our school. If we have great teachers in our classrooms, then we do not have to worry as much about the students. The school will focus on promoting high level of learning.

Dr. Manoj Kumar Shah
 Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
– Henry Ford

Smt Neeti Jaiswal

Message From The Principal

I am privileged to serve as your Principal, and I hold this role with the utmost honour. There is no higher calling than nurturing the minds of our young learners. In the realm of education, our collective aspiration is to provide the best possible opportunities for our children.

During this critical phase of their lives, our students play a central role in shaping their character and paving the way for the future. It is the time when their unique talents and interests are nurtured and cultivated.

Selecting the right school and ensuring a high-quality education for your children is a decision that weighs heavily on every parent’s heart. The gift of a quality education is one of the most precious and enduring contributions we can make to our children. It is a treasure that cannot be lost or taken away, and it wields a profound influence over their potential, significantly enhancing their prospects for a successful life. Our primary goal is to equip every student with the education necessary to prepare them thoroughly for their future roles in society.

We are dedicated to delivering the knowledge and skills that will empower them to thrive and excel in their future endeavours.