
From LKG to 5th Co-ed

At Gopi Radha School, we provide a comprehensive and joyful educational experience for students from LKG to class 5 in a co-educational setting. Our curriculum, aligned with the NCERT pattern and in accordance with the New Education Policy 2020, emphasizes an innovative and joyful approach to learning.

At Gopi Radha School, we understand the importance of play in the learning process, fostering creativity and curiosity. We are dedicated to the holistic development of our students, focusing on language, social, physical, and cognitive skills. Our commitment extends to unlocking the unique potential within each child through personalized attention and fostering a love for learning.

We prioritize the development of numeracy skills and a seamless transition from learning to read to reading to learn. Creativity and curiosity are encouraged through interactive learning experiences, and practical application of knowledge is emphasized by connecting classroom learning to real-world scenarios.

Gopi Radha School is dedicated to preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century by instilling critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and adaptability skills.

Learning Domains


Social Sciences




From 6 to Class 12

At Gopi Radha School, where young minds thrive, our all-girls institution caters to students from 6th to 12th grade, offering a unique academic program aligned with the U.P. Board. Our school provides education in both Hindi and English mediums, with a specialized emphasis on STEAM education—Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

With three specialized streams—Science, Humanities, and Commerce—we tailor the educational path for each student. In addition to core subjects, our curriculum encompasses a diverse range of subjects including computer education, vocal music, home science, fine arts, sitar, Sanskrit, and economics, providing students with a comprehensive and enriched educational experience.

Our academic approach is characterized by an intricate curriculum that fosters interdisciplinary and experiential learning, underpinned by the principles of design thinking. We place a strong emphasis on developing critical thinkers by nurturing skills in critical thinking, effective communication, and creativity.

At Gopi Radha School, we go beyond traditional education by focusing on building community leaders. Our students are instilled with values of community consciousness, leadership, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and ethical values. We believe in preparing students for a multicultural perspective and positive global impact, providing them with a broadened worldview.

Empowering our students as confident pathfinders is at the heart of our academic philosophy. Gopi Radha School equips students for board exams, guides them through career choices, and prepares them for higher education with confidence and academic rigor.

Our academic journey also emphasizes innovative and analytical thinking, nurturing skills in innovative thinking, creativity, and critical analysis. Going beyond academics, we cultivate a multi-dimensional perspective, focusing on the development of social, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. Gopi Radha School is dedicated to producing knowledgeable, empathetic, and conscientious individuals who are not only academically proficient but also ready to make a positive difference in the world.

Gopi Radha School, where academic excellence goes hand in hand with holistic development, empowering young women to become leaders, thinkers, and compassionate contributors to society.

Learning Domains


Social Sciences




From 6 to Class 12

At Gopi Radha School, where young minds thrive, our all-girls institution caters to students from 6th to 12th grade, offering a unique academic program aligned with the U.P. Board. Our school provides education in both Hindi and English mediums, with a specialized emphasis on STEAM education—Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

With three specialized streams—Science, Humanities, and Commerce—we tailor the educational path for each student. In addition to core subjects, our curriculum encompasses a diverse range of subjects including computer education, vocal music, home science, fine arts, sitar, Sanskrit, and economics, providing students with a comprehensive and enriched educational experience.

Our academic approach is characterized by an intricate curriculum that fosters interdisciplinary and experiential learning, underpinned by the principles of design thinking. We place a strong emphasis on developing critical thinkers by nurturing skills in critical thinking, effective communication, and creativity.

At Gopi Radha School, we go beyond traditional education by focusing on building community leaders. Our students are instilled with values of community consciousness, leadership, collaboration, emotional intelligence, and ethical values. We believe in preparing students for a multicultural perspective and positive global impact, providing them with a broadened worldview.

Empowering our students as confident pathfinders is at the heart of our academic philosophy. Gopi Radha School equips students for board exams, guides them through career choices, and prepares them for higher education with confidence and academic rigor.

Our academic journey also emphasizes innovative and analytical thinking, nurturing skills in innovative thinking, creativity, and critical analysis. Going beyond academics, we cultivate a multi-dimensional perspective, focusing on the development of social, emotional, and spiritual intelligence. Gopi Radha School is dedicated to producing knowledgeable, empathetic, and conscientious individuals who are not only academically proficient but also ready to make a positive difference in the world.

Gopi Radha School, where academic excellence goes hand in hand with holistic development, empowering young women to become leaders, thinkers, and compassionate contributors to society.

Learning Domains


Social Sciences


